The Barony of Ered Sul

Highland’s War

& Baronial Investiture

August 14th – 18th, 2025

All are cordially invited to join the Barony of Ered Sul for A Knight’s Tale at Highland’s War 2025!

One and all may be weighed and measured on the fields of battle and through displays of the Arts. As the day finds us waning, so too does the reign of our Baron Nilstr and Baroness Margre. We shall miss them as the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter... but alas, we will also rejoice as we attend the Investiture of a new Baron and Baroness of the wild and wooly lands of Ered Sul. Let us all celebrate!

Camp Raymond

Boy Scout Camp Rd Parks, AZ 86018

Site opens on August 14th at 10 AM and closes on August 18th at noon.


$30 – Adult Pre-registered
$35 – Adult at the gate

Children 17 and under are FREE


Armiger Kay Leigh of Inverted (Kayla Carl)


Do I need to pre-register to attend the war?

You can pay at gate if you cannot preregister. An additional $5 is added to the cost.

*Gate is CASH ONLY.

What are the site rules?
  • Staking is allowed, just do NOT move the pine needles. Please DO NOT alter the pine needle bed except to ensure fire safety. When leaving site, attempt to recreate the original pine needle coverage.
  • Above ground fire pits ONLY – please do NOT use the in-ground pits provided at the sites.
  • The pool, lake, and cabins are off limits. Expect to be removed from site if this rule is broken. No refunds.
  • The speed limit on site is a strictly enforced 5mph due to the fine dust on the roads.
  • Don’t forget to bring your fire extinguishers!
Are there RV spots?

Wet and Dry RV spots are available.

  • Dry RV sites $10
  • Wet RV sites $20

Please contact the autocrats directly for ALL RV and tent rental sites. Even if you paid for an RV or tent rental site through pre-registration, you MUST contact the autocrat directly. If you do not contact the autocrat Before the event begins, we cannot guarantee a spot for you.

Do the grounds have amenities?
  • There are stone privies, stone showers, trash receptacles and potable water on site
  • Ramadas in camps.
  • The main hall will be open for A&S ONLY. Hours will be announced.>
  • There is limited firewood available on site. Please bring your own if you would like real fire.
Are you doing land allocation or land grab?

There is plenty of space for land grab, but there are a limited number of ramadas.

Is there a land map?

There will be a large map at Gate that you can add your camping area to so people can find you.

Are pets allowed onsite?

Pets are welcome but must be kept on leash and attended at all times.

Can I rent a tent?

Tent Rentals $5

Please contact the autocrats directly for ALL RV and tent rental sites. Even if you paid for an RV or tent rental site through pre-registration, you MUST contact the autocrat directly. If you do not contact the autocrat Before the event begins, we cannot guarantee a spot for you.